section contains articles by several
authors on varying subjects that augment
the other articles on this site. Some of these
have appeared elsewhere, others are completely
new. It must be noted that the articles do not
neccesarily express the opinion of the owner of
this website.
: I now
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image shows Bede, the 'Historian of the English',
a miniature from British Library Add MS 39943
folio 2.
Current Contents:
- Fabio
Barbieri: British History, 407-597
new book of about 600 pages of Dark Ages
British history, exclusive to Vortigern
Studies! This book provides a daring
insight in the sources behind the history
of the 5th century.
- Joe
Boyles and Jake Livingston (1): A Tour across Little
The authors take us for a tour of
exploration, across the in parts densely
overgrow Iron Age hillfort, high over the
Wye valley. Little Doward came to be
associated with Vortigern, and is often
named as his place of death.
- Joe
Boyles and Jake Livingston (2): The Quest for Arthur's
Cave, Little Doward
In a Quest, strechting across two visits,
the authors take us on their search for
the 'Cave of Arthur', which lies hidden
in the flank of Little Doward.
- Sheila
Brynjulfson (1): Dark Rooms and Dry Straw:
Historiography of the Middle Ages 400-1200.
The author takes a very good look at the
Late Roman and Early Medieval historians,
from Jordanes to the First Crusade. What
moved Gildas, how did Bede write compared
to that?
- Sheila
Brynjulfson (2): Artorius, Ambrosius,
Arthur - Questing for the Historical
Arthur, King of the Britons.
In this second guest-article, the author
goes on a quest for the historical Arthur.
- Sheila
Brynjulfson (3): Geoffrey of Monmouth and
the History of the Kings of Britain.
In this in-depth article, the author
takes a hard look at the writing of this
(in)famous Welshman. Was he writing
fiction or history? And if so, what were
his his sources?.
- David
Capps: The Anglo-Saxon Settlement
of England
In this short article, the author gives
an overview of the aspects of the Anglo-Saxon
settlement of England.
- Patrick
Constable: Discordia, towards a
Chronology for 5th century Britain
The author takes a partisan approach in a
new look at the events of the 5th century
as written down in several known sources.
The result is surprising!
- David
Nash Ford: Vortigern and his Family
A very good article about Vortigern, from
the webmaster of 'Early British Kingdoms'.
David Nash Ford examines the sources, the
history and the legend. David Nash Ford
is currently editor of 'Britannia'
Internet Magazine.
- Jason
Godesky (1): The Vortigern Dynasty
A theory about the background of
Vortigern and his dynasty from the
webmaster of 'The Saxon Shore'.
- Jason
Godesky (2): The Dynasty of Vortigern
Another great article from the webmaster
of 'The Saxon Shore'. This gives an
excellent view of Vortigern, his
ancestors and his sons.
- Jason
Godesky (3): Vortigern the 'Big Man'?
The author takes a closer look at the
sociological concept of the 'Big Man' in
Late Roman British society. Was Vortigern
perhaps such a 'Big Man'?
- August
Hunt (1): Vortigern and Catel
A daring look at the origins of the
stories of Vortigern, which compares the
material concerning Vortigern with
stories about St Patrick, Inscribed
Memorial Stones, the Pillar of Eliseg,
Dinas Emrys and Cadell Durnluc.
- August
Hunt (2): Vortigern's Epithet 'Guortheneu'
The author looks for a connection between
this epithet and the Irish Carthind, the
Latin Clodius Macer and the Pictish
- August
Hunt (3): Cunedda as Vortigern
Was Cunedda (a) Vortigern? Was Ceawlin of
Wessex really a Briton, with an Irish
ancestry? He may have been the same as
Maquicoline of Wroxeter, and Cuinnid
MacCuilin who founded Gwynedd. Is this
why Vortigern is said to have ruled
- August
Hunt (4): The Myth of the British
Was Vortigern of legend really a British
king? Or was he perhaps based on the
British-Irish Fortchern, son of Fedelmid,
son of Laeghaire the Irish High King? The
author digs deeper into the enigma of the
Irish Vortigerns.
- August
Hunt (5): The Grave of Vortigern at
A short article about the possible
location for this until now unlocated
candidate for a grave for Vortigern.
- August
Hunt (6): Two Vessels, a Tent and
Two Worms: A Dark Age Discovery at Dinas
What were the mysterious objects found by
Vortigern and Emrys/Merlin when they
drained the pool at Dinas Emrys? March
- August
Hunt has written more Arthurian
articles for Faces
of Arthur, my Arthurian
- Harry
Jelley: The Birthplace of St.
In this short piece, Harry Jelley
outlines his argument, fleshed out in his
book, St. Patrick's Somerset
Birthplace, that the patron saint of
Ireland was not born in Wales or Scotland,
but in Somerset.
- Keith
Nurse (1): Deeds most Ancient
The Pillar of Eliseg is a rare survival,
because of its remarkable Latin
inscription recording the names of key
fifth century figures and the successes
of a Welsh ruler in regaining territory
from the English.
- Keith
Nurse (2): Dark Age Halls of Power
The author looks at archaeological and
other evidence of post-Roman successor
settlements in the area of Hadrian's Wall.
Could they offer a blueprint for other
successor states from the times of
Vortigern to Arthur?
- Frank
D. Reno (1): Vitalinus/Guithelinus
Was Vitalinus but a very minor character
in the Arthurian saga? The author shows
that the seemingly minor part that
Vitalinus plays, was rather a role of
major importance in Arthuriana.
- Frank
D. Reno (2): Vortimer: Welsh Hero of
the Arthurian Age
Vortimer is the "Over-Prince"
who replaces his father Vortigern and
defeats the Saxones in four crucial
battles as recorded in the Historia
Brittonum. The author equates him with
Cunedda, thus making him one of King
Arthur's allies.
- Stuart
Stevenson: A Visit to Carn Fadrun
A visit to the hillfort on the Lleyn
peninsula which is associated to the
granddaughter of Vortigern, Modrun ferch
Vortimer. Accompanied by some beautiful
- Christopher
A. Snyder: Sub-Roman Britain - an
A very thorough look at Britain during
the period of Roman withdrawal and
British survival by the author of "An
Age of Tyrants, Britain and Britons AD
400-600, (Stroud 1998)".
Readers are recommended to start their
journey with this introduction.
Christopher Snyder is Chair of the
Department of History and Politics at
Marymount University in Arlington,
- Michael
Veprauskas (1): The Problem of Caer
The author attempts to solve the riddle
of several 'Cities of Vortigern'. Why
were they built, and when?
- Michael
Veprauskas (2): A Clerical Portrait of
The author shows a deeper meaning behind
the chronological remarks in chapter 66
of the Historia Brittonum.
- Michael
Veprauskas (3): Ambrosius
- David
White (1): Why Vortigern?
The author goes deeper into the reasons
behind why Vortigern was or was made the
scapegoat for the Anglo-Saxon invasion of
- David
White (2): The Saxon Occupation: An
Innocent Beginning
In a second note, the author offers a
view on the start of the English
occupation of Britain.
- Howard
Wiseman: The derivation of the date
of the Arthurian entries in the Annales
Cambriae from Bede and Gildas
This article is devoted to the question
of how the dates for the two most famous
Arthurian battles (Badon and Camlann)
derived from the two main sources: Gildas
and Bede.
- Darrell
Wolcott: Vortigern and the Powys
The chronology of the various extant
pedigrees of Powys has always been a
problem for those who have attempted to
analyze them. The author tries to shed
light on the Dark Ages in Powys.