Vortigern Studies has the
internet's most comprehensive treatment of
Britain's history from the end of the Roman era
to Arthurian times. Edited by Robert M. Vermaat,
this unique website focuses primarily on the
person of Vortigern and the enigmatic earthwork
called Wansdyke. It features narrative histories,
original source documents and important texts,
extensive bibliographies, reading lists,
informative articles by guest writers, maps,
polls and more.
Vortigern Studies Index
Vortigern Studies Bibliography is currently split up into
four databases:
in this database are the contemporary sources,
but most are sources such as Gildas, Bede and 'Nennius'.
Later editions of these authors, translations,
editions and comments such as by the 19th-century
editors J.a. Giles or Theodor Mommsen, up to
modern works by Winterbottom and Dumville.
part also includes Arthurian articles and books
outside the Arthurian Collection.
Roman part of this database consists of the works
that deal with the Roman Empire outside Britain
and before the period of Vortigern, i.e. roughly
before 400AD.
included are works about military organization,
warfare, weapons and re-enactment.
This (Pseudo-) scientific part of
the collection contains all kinds of Arthurian
books, from the really good scientific research
to the sheer lunacy (a.k.a. 'bestseller') that's
on the market nowadays.
The only difference with the other
parts of the bibliography is that the items
displayed here are part of a collection, i.e. I
own them.
Vortigern Studies is based on a collection
of articles, anthologies, studies and primary or
secondary sources. These four database contains all books,
articles and other sources used for the creation of the
Vortigern Studies and Wansdyke homepages. Some minor overlapping
may occur.
database is formed by books and articles, which are
ranged chronologically starting with books, followed by
chronologically assorted publications, whereas no
seperation is made between articles from magazines or
from books.
shameless E-commerce, though I should mention this is for
service purposes only: most of these books are for sale,
at the moment solely through Amazon.com. If you would
like to purchase any of these items to add them to your
own collection, click where mentioned.
= available with the author of this page, = in Dutch, = in German, = in French
VortigernStudies is
copyright �Robert Vermaat 1999-2010. All
rights reserved