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Castell Gwerthrynion
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Rhaeadr Gwy/Rhayader
Powys |
The Historia
Brittonum tells us how Vortigern fled from St
Germanus into Wales, and into Gwrtheyrnion:
Brittonum, Chapter 47
Germanus admonished Vortigern to turn to the true God,
and abstain from all unlawful intercourse with
his daughter; but the unhappy wretch fled for
refuge to the province Guorthegirnaim, so called
from his own name, where he concealed himself
with his wives: but St. Germanus followed him
with all the British clergy, and upon a rock
prayed for his sins during forty days and forty
germanus guorthigirno praedicabat, ut ad
dominum suum conuerteret et ab illicita
coniunctione se separaret; et ille usque ad
regionem, quae a nomine suo accepit nomen
guorthigirniaun, miserabiliter effugit, ut ibi
cum uxoribus suis lateret. et sanctus germanus
post illum secutus est cum omni clero brittonum
et ibi quadraginta diebus et quadraginta noctibus
mansit et super petram orabat et die noctuque
Was there a Caer Guorthigirn in
Gwrthernion as well? There is one near the Wye, which is
also the best candidate for his demise, which is Little
at Ganarew, Herefordshire. But in a guest-article at this
site, Michael Veprauskas identified this particular part
of the flight with a royal center in Gwrtheyrnion with
Caer Beris, after David Nash Ford's identification of
Caer Guorthigirn from the list of Civitates in the Historia
Brittonum. However, another identification (by J.E.
Lloyd after William Camden) was made in favour of Rhaeadr
Gwy/Rhayader in Gwrtheyrnion (modern spelling Gwerthrynion)
in Powys.
Here in
Rhaeadr Gwy was a Castell Gwerthrynion, which
belonged to Roger Mortimer in 1202. Of the castle, the
mound only remains, but there are no visible traces
except ditches.

(All images of
the castle by kind permission of mr. Collard of Rhaeadr)
It was
William Camden, who in 1607 identified the remains of the
medieval castle with that of Vortigern's stronghold:
Camden, Britannia, Radnor-Shire:
Melienith reacheth as farre as to the River Wy, which
cutteth overthwart the Weft corner of this fhire, and
being hindered in his ftreame with ftones lying in his
way, upon a fuddaine for want of ground to glide on, hath
a mighty and violent downefall: whereupon the place
tearmed, Raihader Gowy, that is, The fall or Fludgates of
Wy: And I cannot tell, whether thereupon that Britifh
word Raihader, the Englifh men forged this name firft for
the whole fhire, and afterwards for the chiefe Towne. By
this Floudgate or fall of the water there was a Caftle
which Rhefe Prince of Southwales (as we reade) repaired
under King Richard the Firft. Hard by, there is in fome
fort a vaft and wide wilderneffe, hideous after a fort to
behold, by reafon of the turning and crooked by-waies and
craggie Mountaines, into which as the fafeft place of
refuge, Vortigern that peftilent wretch and bane of his
native Country, odious both to God and man, and (whofe
memory the Britains may wifh damned) withdrew himfefle,
when after he had called the Saxons into this Iland, and
in horrible inceft married his owne daughter. And heere
he fell at length too too late into ferious confideration
of the greatneffe of his vile and wicked acts. But by
revenging fire from Heaven, the flying dart of God above,
he was burnt with his Citie Caer
Guortigern,which he had heere built for his refuge. And
not farre from hence, as if the place had been fatall,
not onely this Vortigern the last Monarch of Britifh
bloud, but alfo Lhewellin the laft Prince of Wales of the
Britifh race being forelaid, was flaine by Adam Francton
in the yeere of our Redemption I282. Of the faid
Vortigern, Ninnius nameth a little Country
heere Guortiger-maur: neither is that name as yet
altogether loft: but of the Citie,
there remaineth no memory at all, but out of writers.
Some are of opinion, that Guthremion Castle arofe out of
the ruins and rubbifh thereof, which in the yeere I20I.
the Welfh for malice they bare to Roger Lord Mortimer and
in fpight of him laid even with the ground.
A modern
comment on the site: "Rhayader Castle exploits a
strong natural crag overlooking the Wye, and is defended
on the north and east by rock-cut ditches with a causeway
on the north-east which still provides access today. The
northern ditch is the most readily visible, from the
riverside path below, while that on the east is partly
followed by a footpath. The summit of the site is undulating, and may contain the
remains of buildings; a slight bank on the side away from
the river may be part of a rampart above the eastern
ditch. Any trace of a bailey has been lost below housing.
The castle was built by
the Lord Rhys of Deheubarth in 1177, at the
fringes of his kingdom, and was rebuilt by him in 1194.
This later work may have been reinforcement in the face
of a threat, since shortly afterwards the castle fell to
Maelgwn and Hywel, sons of Cadwallon ap Madog of
Maelienydd, the adjoining kingdom to the east. They
almost immediately lost it to English Mortimer forces,
but it was soon regained by the Lord Rhys. "The
castle of Gwrtheyrnion" (the Rhayader area) was
again regained by the Welsh in 1202, although it is not
clear how they had lost it. The site was probably disused
by the early 14th century; by the 16th Leland was unaware
of any castle here.
There is another motte
among the houses at Llansantffraed across the river,
although the relationship between the two sites is
unknown. They lay in separate administrative areas and
may not have been in use at the same time" (Text by
Helen Burnham).
Rhaeadr Gwy
Rhayader or Rhaeadr Gwy
- Welsh for 'Waterfall on the Wye' - is situated in the
heart of mid-Wales, at the cross-roads between the main
east to west route - A44 from England to Cardigan Bay and
the south to north A470. It is a bu sy Radnorshire livestock market
town, with a population of 2,000, surrounded on all sides
by the finest scenery: dramatic wooded valleys with swift
mountain streams and waterfalls giving way to heather-topped
hills and open moorland, contoured by glaciation
alternating with natural lakes and rock formation,
ancient oak woods rich in bird and wildlife, and the dams
and reservoirs of the Elan and Claerwen valleys, draining
into the beautiful River Wye.
Caer Guorthegirn?
Was Rhaedr Gwy the site
of a Caer Guorthegirn? I would not dare to say no, though
it is at least less likely that it is the one meant in
chapter 47. Rhaeadr is very close to a Roman road, and
Roman camps show on the map both to the east and west of
the town, which shows its importance. Another one is a
few miles to the north at St Harmon, which name (Harmon
is the Welsh derivate of Germanus) strengthens the
identification with Caer Guorthegirn. However, Little
Doward is far more known, and it lies on top of the Wye
as well. But, Ganarew is not in Gwerthrynion proper,
which might mean that Rhaeadr Gwy is not such a bad
candidate after all.
(I would like to
thank mr. Collard of Rhayader for his support in
providing me with several images and the text of William
- Bartrum, P.C. (1993): A Welsh Classical
Dictionary, People in History and Legend up to
about AD 1000, (The National Library of Wales,
- Burnham, Helen: Rhayader Castle, at: http://www.castlewales.com/rhayader.html
- Camden, William (1586): Britannia,
Sive Florentissimorum Regnorum, Anglić, Scotić,
Hiberniae, et Insularum Adiacentium ex intima
antiquitate Chorographica descriptio. London:
Radulphum Newbery.
- Camden, William (1637): Britain, or, A
chorographicall description of the most
flourishing kingdomes, England, Scotland, and
Ireland, and the islands adjoyning, out of the
depth of antiquitie : beautified with mappes of
the severall shires of England / written first in
Latine by William Camden
; translated
newly into English by Philmon Holland
; finally, revised, amended, and enlarged
with sundry additions by the said author. London:
Printed by F.K.R.Y. and I.L. for Ioyce Norton,
and Richard Whitaker.
- Collard, Stephen: Rhayader and the Elan
Valley - Rhayader Castle, at: http://history.powys.org.uk/history/rhaeadr/castle.html
- Fenn, R.W.D. (1966-7): Who was St.
Harmon?, in: The Radnorshire Transactions, pp 50-55.*
- Ford, David Nash: "Nennius' List of
the Twenty-Eight Cities of Britain".
- Lloyd, John Edward (1911): A History of
Wales, from the earliest times to the Edwardian
conquest, vol. 1, (Longmans, London 1948).
- Rhayader &
District History Archives
- Veprauskas, Michael: The Problem of Caer Guorthigirn.